SAS (Simplified Joint Stock Company) with a capital of 16 500 000,00 €,

Headquarters : 98 Place Jean Vuarnet – 74110 Morzine, France.

Phone : +33 (0)4 50 74 02 15

Thonon les Bains RCS (Trade and Company register) N° 389 022 419

VAT N° : FR 323 890 22 419.

Courriel : serma@serma-avoriaz.com

Insured for professional liability in accordance with provisions of Article L220-1 of Insurance Law, with ALLIANZ I.A.R.D., dont  le siège social est situé 1 cours Michelet – CS 30051 – 92076 PARIS La Défense Cedex, through our insurance broker Agence Olivier BLANC, 10 Avenue d’Evian 74200 THONON LES BAINS,

ORIAS Number : 08040000

Operator of the Avoriaz Ski Area

Hereinafter referred to as “The Operator” or “SERMA”.


The following Specific Terms and Conditions for the online sale of lift passes apply to the entire range of lift passes valid on the ski lifts (hereinafter referred to as “LIFT PASSES”) sold by the Operator, that allow access to the Avoriaz and/or Portes du Soleil ski area.

The purchase of a LIFT PASS implies a total understanding and acceptance of all of these specific terms and conditions, without prejudice to existing appeals procedure.

The following Terms and Conditions are valid from the 23/11/2023 and only during the winter ski season.

The Terms and Conditions for the sale valid during the summer season are define on a separate document.

These Terms and Conditions are supplemented by the Terms and Conditions of the use of lift passes on the ski lifts of Avoriaz. These are available at our headquarters and at every point of sale of SERMA.

Online purchases (via the internet and self-service machines),are supplemented by specific Terms and Conditions for Online Sales,which are available on the website of the Operator : www.skipass-avoriaz.com

Should an event occur which is not covered by these current conditions, it will be governed by the rules in use by ski lift companies whose headquarters are based in France.

These terms and Conditions apply to individual consumers only ; as understood in the introductory clause of Consumer law. Is it the user’s responsibiliy to make themselves aware of the different LIFT PASSES available to them, and to select the LIFT PASS best suited to their requirements. Tbe Operator cannot be held responsible for the user’s selection.


The following Terms and Conditions for the sale of lift passes apply to all purchase of LIFT PASSES sold by the Operator without restriction nor reservation :

  • At each Avoriaz sales points,
  • On the Touch pads available in some Avoriaz sales points,
  • On recharging terminals available in some Avoriaz sales points,
  • Regarding the lift passes sold on line skipass-avoriaz.com, please refer to the « Online Terms and conditions for the sale of Lift passes ».

Are sold :

  • Consecutive days lift passes with a specific validity,
  • Season lift passes,
  • Points cards, points are counted down prior to the ski lift used. Points are only available the current winter season.
  • Consecutive hours ski passes : hours countdown continuously from the first crossing at the ski lift gate. If at the closure of the ski lifts the total number of hours is not

completely consumed, there won’t be any report, refund of the unused remaining hours.

  • Undated lift passes, only available during the ongoing winter season, During their validity, passes give access to unlimited use of ski lifts open, within the boundaries set by the category of the pass.
  • All lift pass for which the duration exceed the shorter duration available is personal and nontransferable. 


The lift pass is loaded exclusively on a chip hand free card which can be uploaded named « skicard » triggers the opening of the ski lifts entrance gate.

On the skicard are uploaded the lift pass and receipt of the purchase.

This card is hand free and sold 3€.

This hand free card is not refundable but is reusable.

The User must be able to present his LIFT PASS to the controllers if requered at any time.

The User cannot be issued with any discount on lift pass public price if he reload his hand free card online or at the Sales Points.


All retail prices of LIFT PASSES and of « hand free » cards are displayed in all the points of sale of SERMA and are visible on the website www.skipass-avoriaz.com.

The rates are shown in Euros including VAT. The prices can vary according to the currant VAT rate.

Discounts are given to various categories of persons as defined in Terms and Conditions displayed at the Sales Points and on the website.

For any person wishing to benefit from the above discount, they must be able to produce at any time a valid proof of ID. The age of the user is defined by their age on the first day of validity of the pass.except for the season pass for which date of birth is taken in account.

For all free LIFT PASSES, the purchase of a « hands-free » card is obligatory and at the cost of the client at the applicable rates.

No discount will be permitted after purchase

NB :Discounts to disabled persons are given to the persons with at least a 80% disability, only at Sales points, presenting disabled card.

Reductions are applied on public tariffs and cannot be combined with other offers. 

Moreover, some promotional offers can be proposed at only some sales channel (ex : webiste).


Users can also buy some categories of lift passes on Automatic pay station displayed at some Sales points. Payment can be made by credit card only. Only lift pass without photography of the Users and sold at public rates are delivered by the automatic pay stations.


LIFT PASSES that are found are taken to the Reception located 98 Place Jean Vuarnet, 74110 AVORIAZ.

LIFT PASSES that have been lost or misplaced can be replaced (please refer to CGU/Article 6).


SERMA offers its users an insurance contract : « Snowrisk » or « ASP Assurensport » (specific to Portes du Soleil ski resorts) in addition to the purchase of a LIFT PASS. The Operator is only seller of the insurance and the contract is between the Consumer and the Insurance Company.

P Guarantees

Please refer to the « Snow Risk » conditions, which are available at any Sales Points or available onlline directly from the website https://www.snowrisk.com/#decouvrir.or https://www.assurensport.com/conditions-assurances-sport.php


The LIFT PASSES are payable in the Euro currency, either in cash (if the amount doesn’t exceed the current regulations as stated in the Articles L. 112-6 and D. 112-3 of the Code Monétaire et Financier), by bank card (Mastercard, Visa, Electron, Maestro, Vpay), by American Express, by French Bank Cheque made out to SERMA along with the presentation of an ID card or by Holiday Cheques issued by the ANCV (must not be expired) or by mobile phone.


From the 1st january 2023, no receipt will be printed except if the client make such a request.


The sale of any LIFT PASS that is more than 7 days in duration, or the issue of any free of discounted passes, as well as « season » passes, require the provision of taking a recent full face photograph of the user. This photograph will be kept by the Operator in its computerised ticketing database to allow for any eventual LIFT PASS reissues or recharges, unless opposed by the user (see PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATE below)


The prices of the LIFT PASSES inlcluding seasonal passes, benefit from a regressive pricing structure. In the event where a LIFT PASS has been bought, but not entirely used, the LIFT PASS will not be neither exchanged, nor refund, regardless of the cause ( illness including COVID, accident or any other personal reason of the User) or the duration of the LIFT PASS. Unused lift passes will be fully refunded. Except the price of the insurance.

Non consecutive days lift passes will have to be used during the curent season. There won’t be any report or refund for unused days.

Are not concerned, lift passes bought by ANCV Connect which can only be subject of a Credit Note, and are not concerned Avoriaz lift passes bought under the offer Dynamic Pricing which are not subject to any reimbursement.


The winter season opening of the ski lifts for 2023-2024 runs as follows :

  • The Avoriaz area will stay open until the 21st April 2024, depend on the weather, snow or other unforeseen cirucumstances.
  • Portes du Soleil inter-resort links will be open from 16th December 2023 to 21st April 2024, dependent on the weather, snow or other unforeseen circumstances.

SERMA does not guarantee the operation of all the ski lifts in the Portes du Soleil area, nor the possibility to ski on all the pistes of the Portes du Soleil area.

Temporary disruption of the ski lift service, due to bad weather or maintenance does not incur a refund. Only the stoppage of the ski lifts to which the LIFT PASS gives access, for a duration of several hours or more will incur compensation.

The amount of the compensation will be calculated at the end of the stay and can take the following form : immediate prolongation of the duration of the LIFT PASS, credit note, or refund at a later date upon presentation of supporting documents within 2 months from date of the damage suffered by the User.

Compensation requests must be filled out via the online form available at : http :/www.skipass-avoriaz.com/aide/contact before the deadlines and upon presentation of supporting documents.

Only LIFT PASSES that have been bought and paid for directly by the user from SERMA are available for compensation

Compensation requests must be filled out via the online form available

None compensation will be given before the LIFT PASS has expired. The User shall not be entitled to claim any reimbursement cannot exceed the amount of compensation. 

If the User has not internet access, he can go the Reception to request for the refund.

The response will be sent within a minimum of 60 days, following from the written complaint.


For their own safety, the user is invited to read and respect the safety regulations in the CGU of SERMA.


All complaints and supporting documents must be addressed to SERMA via the online form, available at http:/www.skipass-avoriaz.com/aide/contact within 2 months following the event at the cause of the complaint.

In the absence of a satisfactory response, or the absence of a response within a minimum of 60 days, following from the written complaint (and a maximum of 1 year) from the written statement, the user can solicit the services of Ombudsman for Tourism and Travel. The information for which is avilable on their website : www.mtv.travel.fr The ruling of the Ombudsman is not binding to the parties of the contract.


All information requried by the Operator, in order to issue a LIFT PASS is obligatory. If all or some information is missing, the LIFT PASS cannot be issued. Some data will be collected to create a user database for the Ticket Office. This will be used to send promotional information, newsletters and surveys. The use of this data is for the improvement of SERMA, in order to develop its services, remain comptetitive within the market and the best respond to user queries. Is it collectid with the consent of the User.

The safety and confidentiality of this data is guaranteed by SERMA. All data collected by SERMA  is for use by the company and their authorised partners.

Data is hels for three years starting from the end of the sales relationship between the user and SERMA.

In accordance with current regulations, users of SERMA can, at any time, access their information, or ask SERMA to dispose of it.

User scan also contest, amend or restrict access to their data (cf : cnil for the motivation on their rights.)

If the user would like to exerciese these rights, then they can contact the department in charge of data protection at SERMA by email at rgpd@serma-avoriaz.com.

The User maintains the right to submit a complaint to the CNIL of they consider that their rights have not been respected (CNIL contact information available on www.cnil.fr)


In the case of a total closure of the Portes du Soleil ski area by Public Authorities due to the pandemic, for longer than 15 days, all passes that allow access to the ski areas of Avoriaz and the Portes du Soleil are entitled to a credit not o refund :

  • For Winter « season » LIFT PASS : a credit note or a refund corresponding to the number of weeks closure, calculated by the pro-rata price of a « season pass » for the number of weeks opening orinally planned multiplied by the number of weeks of closure less one day’s grace period.
  • For the « weekly » passes up to 15 consecutive days : a credit note or a refund calculated pro rata by the days not used, on thje basis of what the user paid.
  • For the « daily » passes : a credit note or a refund of the upasses on the basis of what the user paid.

Refund requests must be applied for via the online form available at : https://www.skipass-avoriaz.com/aide/contact within 60 days following the events.

Only LIFT PASSES bought directly from SERMA and paid for by the user are eligible for a refund.


As part of the context of the COVID 19 pandemic measures and prior to the legal texts to deal with this pandemic, SERMA had set up particular provisions which comply with the sanitary requirements. Those provisions communicate about hygiene measures and social distancing. The User has to respect the particular provisions, hygiene measures, and the written and verbal instructions displayed by SERMA.



The Current Term and Conditions have been consituted in French. These General Conditions are subject to French law in both their interpretation and application. Where these Terms and Conditions have been translated into several languages, the French version of these conditions is the only legally binding version.

Therefore, in any case of difficulty in interpretation or application of any provision of these Terms and Conditions, reference should be made expressly and exclusively to the French version.

These conditions apply  from the 23d November 2023



SAS (Simplified Joint Stock Company) with a capital of 16 500 000,00 €,

Headquarters : 98 Place Jean Vuarnet – 74110 Morzine, France.

Phone : +33 (0)4 50 75 02 15

Thonon les Bains RCS (Trade and Company register) N° 389 022 419

VAT N° : FR 323 890 22 419.

Courriel : serma@serma-avoriaz.com

Insured for professional liability in accordance with provisions of Article L220-1 of Insurance Law, with ALLIANZ I.A.R.D., dont  le siège social est situé 1 cours Michelet – CS 30051 – 92076 PARIS La Défense Cedex, through our insurance broker Agence Olivier BLANC, 10 Avenue d’Evian 74200 THONON LES BAINS,

ORIAS Number : 08040000

Operator of the Avoriaz Ski Area

Hereinafter referred to as “The Operator” or “SERMA”.


The following Specific Terms and Conditions for the online sale of lift passes apply to the entire range of lift passes valid on the ski lifts (hereinafter referred to as “LIFT PASSES”) sold by the Operator, that allow access to the Avoriaz and/or Portes du Soleil ski area, and sold on the automatic terminals or online on the website www.skipass-avoriaz.com hosted by XSALTO – 6 avenue Pierre de Coubertin – 38170 Seyssinet Pariset.

The purchase of a LIFT PASS implies a total understanding and acceptance of all of these specific terms and conditions, without prejudice to existing appeals procedure.

The following Terms and Conditions are valid from the 23/11/2023 and only during the winter ski season.

The Terms and Conditions for the sale valid during the summer season are define on a separate document.

These Terms and Conditions are supplemented by the Terms and Conditions of the use of lift passes on the ski lifts of Avoriaz. These are available at our headquarters and at every point of sale of SERMA.

Online purchases (via the internet and self-service machines),are supplemented by specific Terms and Conditions for Online Sales,which are available on the website of the Operator : www.skipass-avoriaz.com

Should an event occur which is not covered by these current conditions, it will be governed by the rules in use by ski lift companies whose headquarters are based in France.

These terms and Conditions apply to individual consumers only ; as understood in the introductory clause of Consumer law. Is it the user’s responsibiliy to make themselves aware of the different LIFT PASSES available to them, and to select the LIFT PASS best suited to their requirements. Tbe Operator cannot be held responsible for the user’s selection.


Lift passes sold by the Operator on the website www.skipass-avoriaz.com, give access to Avoriaz Ski Resort or/and Portes du Soleil ski resort, with or without insurance. Period and conditions described on the website.



The lift pass is loaded exclusively on a chip hand free card which can be uploaded named « skicard » triggers the opening of the ski lifts entrance gate.

On the skicard are uploaded the lift pass and receipt of the purchase.

This card is hand free and sold 3€.

This hand free card is not refundable but is reusable.

The User must be able to present his LIFT PASS to the controllers if requered at any time.

The User cannot be issued with any discount on lift pass public price if he reload his hand free card online or at the Sales Points.


All retail prices of LIFT PASSES and of « hand free » cards are shown in Euros including VAT. The prices can vary according to the currant VAT rate.

Discounts are given to various categories of persons as defined in Terms and Conditions displayed at the Sales Points and on the website.

For any person wishing to benefit from the above discount, they must be able to produce at the time of the purchase a valid proof of ID. The age of the user is defined by their age on the first day of validity of the pass.except for the season pass for which date of birth is taken in account.

For all free LIFT PASSES, the purchase of a « hands-free » card is obligatory and at the cost of the client at the applicable rates.

No discount will be permitted after purchase

Reductions are applied on public tariffs and cannot be combined with other offers. 

Moreover, some promotional offers can be proposed at only some sales channel (ex : webiste).


Online SKI LIFT PASS purchases can only be made through the site www.skipass-avoriaz.com which enables:

  • Purchase of a LIFT PASSon a “hands-free card”,bought at the same time as the LIFT PASS, and termed a “FIRST TIME PURCHASE”

  • Purchase of a LIFT PASS to recharge the client’s pre-existing“hands-free card” and termed a“RECHARGE”

When purchasing a LIFT PASS the client must either login to an existing account, or create a new one.  The creation of an account enables the customer to record and retain order information for future purchases, as well as allowing subscription to the ‘My Club PDS’ loyalty programme, and access to the benefits and advantages associated with it.

In accordance with the requirements of article 1127-2 of the Civil Code, Clients can check the details of their order and the total amount payable, and correct any errors, before accepting and confirming their purchase.

Confirming an order presumes approval and comprehension of both the description of services, and prices. To finalise an order, the client must accept the general conditions of sale, the special conditions of online sale and the general conditions of use.

An order is considered complete when payment is made by the Client’s banking institution, and the necessary supporting documents have been provided (photograph, identity card, etc.).

The completed order must be received by the operator:

  • At least 8 days before the 1st day of the required validity of the pass for a FIRST PURCHASE,

  • At least 1 hour before the start of the required validity of the pass for a RECHARGE.

The order is subject to the reception of a confirmation receipt email sent to the e-mail address provided by the client when ordering, and states:

  • The order number,

  • Client name and contact details

  • Order details (ski-area, period of validity, customer profile, the date of the 1st day of validity)

  • Collection point for the ski pass(es) (for FIRST PURCHASES where the pass is not sent directly to the Client’s home address)

This order receipt is proof of purchase which must be retained by the Client for the duration of the LIFT PASS’ validity on the ‘hands free card’.  It must be shown in the event of an inspection when using the ski lifts, or any other request for which proof of purchase and ownership may be requested (proof of insurance, loss or theft of the LIFT PASS, etc.)

The ski area and the period of validity of the LIFT PASS are not indicated on the “hands-free card” but they are recorded on the order receipt. Any information relating to the validity of the LIFT PASS upon the ‘hands free card’ ticket has no contractual value.


The sale of any LIFT PASS that is more than 7 days in duration, or the issue of any free of discounted passes, as well as « season » passes, require the provision of taking a recent full face photograph of the user. This photograph will be kept by the Operator in its computerised ticketing database to allow for any eventual LIFT PASS reissues or recharges, unless opposed by the user (see PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATE below)


SERMA offers its users an insurance contract : « Snowrisk » (specific to Portes du Soleil ski resorts) in addition to the purchase of a LIFT PASS. The Operator is only seller of the insurance and the contract is between the Consumer and the Insurance Company.

Guarantees : Please refer to the « Snow Risk » conditions, which are available online directly from the website https://www.snowrisk.com/#decouvrir.


Orders are paid for by bank card via a virtual card payment terminal, and payment occurs with immediate effect.

Confirmation of the order and the general conditions, as well as the online provision of the payment card number by the Client, constitute proof of the transaction as stated by law n ° 2000-230 of March 13, 2000.  This confirmation states acceptance of all online-sales operations carried out and outlines the products concerned; it is recommended the Client retains a copy.

Refusal by a banking institution to debit the Customer’s bank account will lead to the cancellation of the order.

Secure credit-card payment is made through a merchant back-office electronic payment platform: CYBERPLUS, PAYPAL or AMEX. This service integrates both SSL and SET security standards. Any confidential data transmitted is encrypted and does not pass through the Operator’s servers, ensuring complete data confidentiality.  Payment can also be made through ANCV Connect.


For a FIRST PURCHASE, the Client can choose how to collect for their LIFT PASS:

  • Either delivery to their home address – postage & shipping costs will be detailed when placing the order (except for lift passes purchased on AVOPASS) OR

  • Collection from an automatic sales point or a SERMA sales desk

For a RECHARGE, the RECHARGE of the LIFT PASS takes place automatically upon the first passage through a ski lift turnstile in the relevant ski area.


According to Article L.221-28 of the Consumer Code, the sale of transport passes is not subject to the right of withdrawal stated in Articles L221-18, following the Consumer Code for online and virtual selling.  Thus the right of withdrawal does not apply to any LIFT PASS orders placed on the www.skipass-avoriaz.com website.


A completed order can be modified before the pass has been used if the resquest is made the latest 48 hours before the 1st day of ski  Any modification can only be for a pass of an equivalent value.  For passes purchased with promotional codes or at discounted prices, changes can only be made under the specific framework of the original purchase conditions.


The prices of the LIFT PASSES inlcluding seasonal passes, benefit from a regressive pricing structure. In the event where a LIFT PASS has been bought, but not entirely used, the LIFT PASS will not be neither exchanged, nor refund, regardless of the cause ( illness including COVID, accident or any other personal reason of the User) or the duration of the LIFT PASS. Unused lift passes will be fully refunded. Except the price of the insurance.

Non consecutive days lift passes will have to be used during the curent season. There won’t be any report or refund for unused days.

Are not concerned, lift passes bought by ANCV Connect which can only be subject of a Credit Note, and are not concerned Avoriaz lift passes bought under the offer Dynamic Pricing which are not subject to any reimbursement.


Users can also buy some categories of lift passes on Automatic pay station displayed at some Sales points. Payment can only be made by credit card. Only lift pass without photography of the Users and sold at public rates are delivered by the automatic pay stations.


LIFT PASSES that are found are taken to the Reception located 98 Place Jean Vuarnet, 74110 AVORIAZ.

LIFT PASSES that have been lost or misplaced can be replaced (please refer to CGU/Article 6).


All complaints and supporting documents must be addressed to SERMA via the online form, available at http:/www.skipass-avoriaz.com/aide/contact within 2 months following the event at the cause of the complaint.

In the absence of a satisfactory response, or the absence of a response within a minimum of 60 days, following from the written complaint (and a maximum of 1 year) from the written statement, the user can solicit the services of Ombudsman for Tourism and Travel. The information for which is avilable on their website : www.mtv.travel.fr The ruling of the Ombudsman is not binding to the parties of the contract.


In the case of a total closure of the Portes du Soleil ski area by Public Authorities due to the pandemic, for longer than 15 days, all passes that allow access to the ski areas of Avoriaz and the Portes du Soleil are entitled to a credit not o refund :

  • For « season » LIFT PASS : a credit note or a refund corresponding to the number of weeks closure, calculated by the pro-rata price of a « season pass » for the number of weeks opening orinally planned multiplied by the number of weeks of closure less one day’s grace period.

  • For the « weekly » passes up to 15 consecutive days : a credit note or a refund calculated pro rata by the days not used, on thje basis of what the user paid.

  • For the « daily » passes : a credit note or a refund of the upasses on the basis of what the user paid.

Refund requests must be applied for via the online form available at : https://www.skipass-avoriaz.com/aide/contact within 60 days following the events.

Only LIFT PASSES bought directly from SERMA and paid for by the user are eligible for a refund.


All information requried by the Operator, in order to issue a LIFT PASS is obligatory. If all or some information is missing, the LIFT PASS cannot be issued. Some data will be collected to create a user database for the Ticket Office. This will be used to send promotional information, newsletters and surveys. The use of this data is for the improvement of SERMA, in order to develop its services, remain comptetitive within the market and the best respond to user queries. Is it collectid with the consent of the User.

The safety and confidentiality of this data is guaranteed by SERMA. All data collected by SERMA  is for use by the company and their authorised partners.

Data is hels for three years starting from the end of the sales relationship between the user and SERMA.

In accordance with current regulations, users of SERMA can, at any time, access their information, or ask SERMA to dispose of it.

User scan also contest, amend or restrict access to their data (cf : cnil for the motivation on their rights.)

If the user would like to exerciese these rights, then they can contact the department in charge of data protection at SERMA by email at rgpd@serma-avoriaz.com.

The User maintains the right to submit a complaint to the CNIL of they consider that their rights have not been respected (contact information for the CNIL are available on their website : www.cnil.fr)


The Current Term and Conditions have been consituted in French. These General Conditions are subject to French law in both their interpretation and application. Where these Terms and Conditions have been translated into several languages, the French version of these conditions is the only legally binding version.

Therefore, in any case of difficulty in interpretation or application of any provision of these Terms and Conditions, reference should be made expressly and exclusively to the French version.

These conditions apply  from the 23d November 2023



SAS (Simplified Joint Stock Company) with a capital of 16 500 000,00 €,

Headquarters : 98 Place Jean Vuarnet – 74110 Morzine, France.

Phone : +33 (0)4 50 75 02 15

Thonon les Bains RCS (Trade and Company register) N° 389 022 419

VAT N° : FR 323 890 22 419.

Courriel : serma@serma-avoriaz.com

Insured for professional liability in accordance with provisions of Article L220-1 of Insurance Law, with ALLIANZ I.A.R.D., dont  le siège social est situé 1 cours Michelet – CS 30051 – 92076 PARIS La Défense Cedex, through our insurance broker Agence Olivier BLANC, 10 Avenue d’Evian 74200 THONON LES BAINS,

ORIAS Number : 08040000

Operator of the Avoriaz Ski Area

Hereinafter referred to as “The Operator” or “SERMA”.


The following Terms and Conditions of use apply to the entire range of lift passes valid on the ski lifts (hereinafter referred to as “LIFT PASSES”) sold by the Operator and that allow access to the Avoriaz ski area.

The following Terms and Conditions of use are valid from the 23/11/2023 and only during the winter ski season.

The Terms and Conditions for the use valid during the summer season are define on a separate document.

These Terms and Conditions for the Use of Lift passes are supplemented by the Terms and Conditions for the sale.

Should an event occur which is not covered by these current conditions, it will be governed by the rules in use by ski lift companies whose headquarters are based in France.

The purchase of LIFT PASS implies a total understanding and acceptance of all of these terms and conditions, without prejudice to existing appeals procedure.


Lift passes, uploaded on a numbered card, can be used during a period of validity and a rank age preset.

Informations about period of validity on the card are not contractual.

Only the informations stored in the chip prevail.

All LIFT PASSES gives right its owner, during its validity, to free circulation on the ski lifts in service on the ski resort conrresponding to the LIFT PASS issued, without any priority.

The package validity zone of the LIFT PASS is identified on the pistes map of the winter season concerned and during the opening hours of the ski lifts as displayed at each ticket office of the Operator and/or at the departure of each ski lift, depending on weather and snow conditions.

LIFT PASSES can be :

▪ Individual, lift passes for which the identification is full (photo).

▪ Not individual, lift passes for which there is no identification of the owner.

LIFT PASSES Identification :

▪ LIFT PASSES are identified thanks to alphanumeric numbers printed on the card (wtp number).

▪ More than 7 days lift passes require a recent full face photograph of the user.

The cards :

▪ LIFTS PASSES are uploaded on chip cards.

▪ The chip card is the basic element of the system « Hand Free ».  It allows the card not to be introduced into the entrance gate.

▪ Only one type of chip card exits, rechargeable, sold 3.00 € TTC.

Instructions :

To facilitate the transmission of the encoded information during the passage through the turnstiles, the lift pass must be carried on the left and preferably, distant to any mobile, keys, or any form of packaging made with or with any part of aluminium.

This card can’t be folded, perforated, or put close to a heating source.

Malfunction of hand free card :

Those cards are reusable and recyclable. They are guaranteed for 2 years, throughout this period, they will be replaced without any charge in case of malfunction.

In that case, the Operator will replace, at its own expense, the card. Against return of the defective card in any sale point of the Operator.

However, if after checking, the malfuction of the card is due to the User, the Operator will invoice him/her 3€ to replace the card.


Subscribing to the loyalty programm « My Club Portes du Soleil », Users can collect loyalty points at each purchase of lift pass.

Only natural persons in their capasity as consumer can join the program and become a member.

Excluded from the program, professional agents in resale of lift passes, groups, season lift passes, points cards, proprietary cards.

Avoriaz and Portes du Soleil lift passes give right to benefit the loyalty programm.

Loyalty points belong to the User account from when the User has joined the programm « My Club Portes du Soleil » only through our website www.skipass-avoriaz.com.

The member can register up to a maximum of 15 hand free cards.

Without any activity of the account during 2 winters from the last purchase, the account will be cancelled.


4 – SUNS

For all purchases of ski or mountain bike passes, Suns are earned (loyalty points).

As soon as the Member has 200 Sun on his/her account, he/she can convert these Suns into a free Portes du Soleil day pass (only 200 Suns or more per account gives a Portes du Soleil free ski day).

This free day can be used from the end of the validity period.

Loyalty points are personal and nontransferable.

Only the costumers who join the programm « My Club Portes du Soleil » can earn Suns.

The scale of Suns awarded for the purchase of ski passes is determined according to the type of purchase (Sale point or Online).

Details of the number of Suns earned by member for each purchase are provided to Members via their personal « My Club Portes du Soleil » account that can be consulted via the website www.skipass-avoriaz.com

The free pass must be used at the latest during the season that follows the season during which it was acquire by the Member.

Suns have no equivalent value in money.


SERMA offers its users an insurance contract : « Snowrisk » or « ASP Assurensport » (specific to Portes du Soleil ski resorts) in addition to the purchase of a LIFT PASS. The Operator is only seller of the insurance and the contract is between the Consumer and the Insurance Company.

P Guarantees

Please refer to the « Snow Risk » conditions, which are available at any Sales Points or available onlline directly from the website https://www.snowrisk.com/#decouvrir.or https://www.assurensport.com/conditions-assurances-sport.php


LIFT PASSES stolen or lost :

In case of lost or theft, LIFT PASSES can be replaced, for any duration, only if the User can provide the receipt of the purchase., or the picture of the stolen /lost lift pass. The purchase of the hand free card is compulsory (3.00 €).

The User Report a lost or stolen card at any sales point of the Operator, who will give in return the User a duplicate of the LIFT PASS (for the residual duration of the LIFT PASS).

When the User declare the lost or theft of his/her LIFT PASSES, this one is deactivated and don’t give access to the ski resort anymore.

NOTA BENE : If the User is not able to provide to the Operator any proof of its purchase, he won’t be able to get a duplicate of the LIFT PASS, without any possible recourse from the User to the Operator.



Unused lift passes are refund without any particular formalities. Except the price paid enventually for the insurance.

The request for reimbursement shall be made the latest 48 hours before the 1st day of the LIFT PASS validity.

Are not concerned, lift passes bought by ANCV or ANCV Connect which can only by subject of a Credit Note, and are not concerned Avoriaz lift passes bought under the offer Dynamic Pricing.

Partially used LIFT PASSES :

– Owner of Snow Risk insurance : refer to the Guarantee sections of Snow Risk insurance.

– Users who didn’t subsribe to Snow Risk insurance : no compensation may be claimed.


Temporary disruption of the ski lift service, due to bad weather does not incur a refund. Only the stoppage of the ski lifts to which the LIFT PASS gives access, for a duration of several hours or more will incur compensation, or the prolongation of the duration of the LIFT PASS, a credit note, or a refund at a later date upon presentation of supporting documents within 2 months from the date of the loss sustained.

Owner of Snow Risk insurance

Refer to the Guarantee sections of Snow Risk insurance.


The resale of LIFT PASSES is strictly prohibited unless agreement given by the Operator.

LIFT PASSES will be  be removed immediately from the User who fail to comply with these requirements.

The purchase or Sale of LIFT PASSES outside of the sales points network is a fraud.

All LIFT PASSES for which the duration is superior to the shortest available pass is non transferable and unassignable.


The User must carry the LIFT PASS (with the receipt) during all the period of validity of his/her LIFT PASS when he/she is using lift passes from departure to arrival.

Controllers can ask for the presentation of any, or all documents justifying certain reductions, and this LIFT PASS and receipt can also be asked to justify any request (ex : rescue, loss,  theft, claim).

This receipt mentioned the area, rank age, validity period, wtp number, eventually insurance.

The absence of a LIFT PASS, or the use of an invalid LIFT PASS or moreover, the non respect of the rules and regulations, as stated at the lift stations, will be subject to :

  • – The payment of a fine, invalidating any future legal action.

  • This fine is equal to five times the value of one day lift pass of the corresponding area, and if necessary, includes additonal charges for administrative costs, of which the amount is fixed by current guidelines.(Articles L342-15, R342-19 et R342-20 of Code of tourisme and articles 529-3 and following of Code de Procédure Pénale and Article L2241-36 of Code des Transports).

  • Legal Action

Controllers have the right to ask for the presentation of any, or all, documents justifying certain reduction (discount or free passes) given to the Users of a LIFT PASS.

They are within their right to remove with immediate effect, any or all indiviual passes with the view to reinstate it to its original owner.


Users have to respect the security Rules displayed at the departure of the ski lifts, pictograms and all safety instructions given by the employee at the ski lifts, under penalty of sanction.

The same for the respect of the municipal-by-law regarding the security on the slopes and for the respect of the «Dix règles de bonne conduite des usagers des pistes » edited by the  Fédération Internationale de Ski (FIS).


As part of the context of the COVID 19 pandemic measures and prior to the legal texts to deal with this pandemic, SERMA had set up particular provisions which comply with the sanitary requirements. Those provisions communicate about hygiene measures and social distancing. The User has to respect the particular provisions, hygiene measures, and the written and verbal instructions displayed by SERMA available online www.skipass-avoriaz.com.


In the energy crisis environnement, the government is able to impose power restriction measures which can impact the chair lifts running of SERMA. In that case SERMA will give all information to its clients as soon as possible prior to the instructions given by the government. Provisions prescribed in  8 – DISRUPTION OF SKI LIFT SERVICE will be applied.


The Current Term and Conditions have been consituted in French. These General Conditions are subject to French law in both their interpretation and application. Where these Terms and Conditions have been translated into several languages, the French version of these conditions is the only legally binding version.

Therefore, in any case of difficulty in interpretation or application of any provision of these Terms and Conditions, reference should be made expressly and exclusively to the French version.

In case of conflict relating to the validity, the interpretation or the application of the current Terms and Conditions, the user can use the services of a mediator, free of charge, or any alternative procedure for the resolution of conflicts.

Claim must be sent through the website www.skipass-avoriaz.com or by email reclamation@serma-avoriaz.com.

In the absence of a reasonable solution, or without any answer from the Operator after 60 days after the claim have been sent, the User can ask the « Travel and Tourism mediator » (MTV Médiation Tourisme Voyage, BP 80 303, 75 823 Paris Cedex 17) to initiate a procedure. Modalities on www.mtv.travel.

Therefore, prior to the « article 14 of the Reglement (UE) n°524/2013, EU settled a platform for Law and Dispute Resolution : https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/odr/.

In the abscence of a reasonable solution, the dispute can be taken in front of the French Courts, as it remain the only Court authorised to rule on these matter.

These conditions apply  from the 16th November 2022


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We would like to inform you that our website is currently in maintenance, this Monday 2 December from 6:00 pm to 8:00pm

We apologise for inconvenience and we appreciate your patience. See you soon!

Technical service

On Monday 24 February at 09:00 PM (local time) for approximately 1 hour, some services, including online sales, will be temporarily unavailable. Thanks for your understanding.

early closing at 4 p.m. Friday

For safety reasons during the Mont-Blanc Morzine rally event. Thank you for your understanding


Online sales are currently unavailable. Please go to the ticket office.